August 28, 2012

explanation of "KEY and HEART" in my photography...

For those of you who know me, or have worked with me in the past, know that I not only specialize in capturing the connections we make with our hearts, through my lens as my business, but also know I live my life in this manner....  The interactions and connections we have with the people and places around us, is very important and is such an intense thing for me...

Life is so beautiful, in so many ways, and by paying attention to the little details, not only do we see a beautiful moment but we feel a beautiful love...

I happen to think this is a beautiful image of a gorgeous baby girl but what makes me FALL IN LOVE with it, is the intense look and love in her eyes as she gazes up at her mama... 

After looking at the image on the bottom as a whole, please take a look at the part of little miss Ava's eyes that I have enlarged and attached on the top, and please look closely at her eyes as you can see the reflection of her beautiful mother playing with her daughter...

These are the moments that shape our lives...
These are the moments that stick with us forever... 
These are the moments that mean everything... 
These are the KEYS to our HEARTS.

key and heart photography, lindsay kipp, tehachapi photographer, tehachapi, california, avila beach, baby photographer, family photographer, connection photography


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